star wars
Albums scraped2021-12-04T04:09:00.749Z
Last updated2021-12-21T14:48:54.551Z
Released at
76Leonard Nimoy - Spaced Out - The Best of Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner1967
95The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Smash Hits1968-04-16
78Leonard Nimoy - The Way I Feel1968
39John Keating - Space Experience1972
58Leonard Nimoy - Spaced Out1972
10John Williams - Star Wars1977
13Meco - Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk1977
55Meco - The Complete Star Wars Collection1977
71The Rebel Force Band - Living In These Star Wars1977
80Meco - Music Inspired by Star Wars1977
84Leonard Rosenman - Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home1978
31John Williams - Star Wars Trilogy1979
82John Williams - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back1980-04-16
24Meco - Christmas in the Stars: Star Wars Christmas Album1980-11
49Ron Carter - Empire Jazz1980
67John Williams; London Symphony Orchestra - Star Wars: The Corellian Edition [Target]1980
99Frank Zappa - You Are What You Is1981-09-23
2John Williams - Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith1981
14John Williams - Star Wars IV - A New Hope OST1981
37John Williams - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith1981
46John Williams - Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens1981
89John Williams - Star Wars Episode 1, The Phantom Menace1981
18John Williams - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)1983
22John Williams - Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)1983
23John Williams - Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones1983
25John Williams - Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace1983
50John Williams - Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones1983
57John Williams - The Star Wars Trilogy: Star Wars / The Empire Strikes Back / Return of the Jedi1983
70John Williams - Star Wars - Episode II: Attack of the Clones1983
74John Williams - Music From the Star Wars Trilogy1983
77John Williams - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi1983
88John Williams - Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens1983
90Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra - Star Tracks1984-05-01
69Alexander Courage - Star Trek, Volume 1: The Cage / Where No Man Has Gone Before1985
32London Symphony Orchestra - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace1986
72Alexander Courage - Star Trek: Volume 1 - The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before1986
83Leonard Rosenman - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home1986
59John Williams - The Empire Strikes Back: Symphonic Suite1988
28John Williams - John Williams conducts The Star Wars Trilogy1990
92Leonard Nimoy - Highly Illogical1993-08-30
43Joel McNeely - Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire (Original Score)1996-04-00
52Joel McNeely - Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire1996-04-00
64Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra - Symphonic Star Trek1996-04-01
75Ash - 19771996-04-29
53John Williams - The Star Wars Trilogy (Special Edition)1996-09-24
27Meco - The Best Of Meco1997-02-04
5John Williams - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)1997
20Various Artists - Star Wars Headspace1997
54Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes - Figrin D'an And The Modal Nodes1997
66John Keating - Space Experience Volume 1 & Volume 21998
98Jerry Goldsmith - Innerspace1998
45John Williams - A Tribute to the Music of Star Wars1999-06-29
44The Evil Genius Orchestra - Cocktails In The Cantina1999
51Star Wars - Star Wars: Angriff der Klonkrieger (Das Original-Hörspiel zum Kinofilm)1999
33John Williams - The Music Of Star Wars: 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition2000
41Meco - Star Wars Party2000
17DarkMateria - [non-album tracks]2001-05-16
73Greg Gibbs - The Lights2003
40Ash - Meltdown2004-05-17
29Aaron Ackerson - The Sexiest Man on Earth2004-06-10
47Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Of Natural History2004-11-02
9John Williams - Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack2004
21John Williams - Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2004
34John Williams - Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2004
60William Shatner - Spaced Out2004
61Mega - S-WARS2004
87John Williams - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2004
93John Williams - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2004
97John Williams - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2004
4John Williams - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]2005-05-03
8John Williams - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2005
38Larvae - Empire2005
36John Powell - Solo: A Star Wars Story (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2006
42Yoda Pop - Yoda Pop2006
63John Most - Atelier2008-07-01
68Kevin Kiner - Star Wars: The Clone Wars2008-08-07
100Oh Yes, By All Means - Leftovers and Fragments, Vol. 1 (incomplete)2008-09-13
30John Williams - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - The Ultimate Edition2008-11-11
85The Starship - The Lost Neuro Pathway2009
6John Williams - Star Wars: A New Hope (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2011
19John Williams - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2011
35Voltaire - BiTrektual2012
81Frank Zappa - We're Only in It for the Money2012
96And We Fall - Casino Breakdown2014-02-08
94The Starship - Space Debris2014-09-19
79Qui Gon's Heritage - EP//sode II2015-02-01
1John Williams - Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2015-12-18
3John Williams - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2015-12-18
11John Williams - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2015-12-18
12John Williams - Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2015-12-18
56John Williams - Star Wars: The Force Awakens Original Motion Picture Soundtrack2015-12-18
65John Williams - Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack2015-12-18
91John Williams - Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2015
86Michael Giacchino - Rogue One - A Star Wars Story2016-12-16
16Galactic Empire - Galactic Empire2017-02-03
26Luigi Tozzi - Binary Sunset2017-06-18
62Kevin Kiner - Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Vol. 1 (Episodes 1-8) [Original Soundtrack]2017-07-21
7Michael Giacchino - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2019-07-05
15John Williams - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)2019-12-20
48The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Music From The Star Wars Saga2020